Our Action Based Games
To Bring Connection Back!
BIG NEWS!! All of our games are now offered for FREE so that more people can benefit from them!!
Lately, all the research has been converging on how beneficial it is to simply be in your body and play. It heals trauma. It solidifies real change. It integrates and digests all that we go through as humans so that we feel more alive and less scattered. BCB games take us out of just thinking about things and into really embodying a more connected version of ourselves.
Connection with your Kids
Short games and dares to do with your kids and family to bring joy, comfort and laughter. Play king for a day, have a conversation with your foreheads touching, see who makes the other laugh first and more all to deepen your CONNECTION with your kids!
Connection with Playfulness
Truth or dare style challenges to open you back up and get you into the playfulness you had as a kid, giving you a much needed energy source in life. Whether it is jumping into the shower with all of your clothes on or making a music playlist, you will be asked to SHAKE THINGS UP and get playful!
Connection to your Body
Short playful dares and challenges that engage you with your body in real time bringing a sense of grounded ALIVENESS. Define being in your body by using it! Balance on one leg, let your mouth hang open, give yourself a foot rub and more!
Connection to your Food
Short playful dares, challenges and EXPERIMENTS to give you real feedback about your relationship to food - even if you don’t think you have one. Eat a full day without using any money or Eat only your favorite food for two days, these challenges and more will deepen your connection to food.
Connection to Money
Short playful dares and challenges to EXPLORE your relationship to money… with no agenda. Playfully experiment and learn more about what role money plays in your life and what role you want it to play. Drop a $20 bill on purpose, or charge money for something you usually do for free. Get out of your zone by doing— to deepen your connection to money.
Connection with your Partner
Short games and dares to get you LAUGHING, playing and feeling a deep sense of connection with each other — strengthening your relationship. Have a staring contest, or play “would you rather” these and our other games will bring your connection back to one another!
Connection to Self
Short dares and challenges to get to know who you are through experience, DOING fun things, rather than through contemplation. Dare yourself to do the first thing that comes to mind, make yourself cry, try some different ways to breathe are just some that will bring your closer to your self!
Connection to your World
Short, playful dares and challenges that remind you of the immediate world that is a part of your everyday - interact and play with it more. Get your hands in the dirt, or jump in a body of water. Get connected to your world by DOING!
Connection with our Addictions
Short dares and challenges to explore and experiment with what addiction does for us, inviting a new level of COMFORT with the self that creates real understanding in a way that just talking about it can’t. Examples include “Spin until your are dizzy” and “Scream as loud as you can".”