Bring Connection Back has a FREE community you can join. We play games, we have weekly live talks, and do many other spontaneous and planned things to keep our hearts and minds wild, open and connected.

Our Commmunity is always FREE but if it is of great value to you and you would like to contribute something

In our private online community we:

  • Invite you to do a game each week (with a partner or on your own)

  • Do regular sessions to get into our bodies playfully and creatively

  • Do Live chats on destroying opposites in our lives so we are more able to enjoy all polarities existing at once

  • Do Live chats on things that touch and inspire us (gushing over song lyrics that are great poetry, for example)

  • Hang out and enjoy all the food for our hearts and minds that we all put out on the table to share.

  • Create opportunities to connect with each other and give to one another in small gift circles.

  • Plus many other spontaneous and planned things to keep our hearts and minds wild, open and connected!

Wouldn’t it be great to know more people who have depth and substance…but who aren’t just thinking and talking about it?

People who are actually embodying and actively experimenting with the layers and under-layers of their lives. And they are open hearted enough to be playful about getting to know more of themselves.

We want you if...

  • You are comfortable with things that don't fit the typical mold and want to find others who are too

  • You aren't afraid to play

  • You want to give your time not just to scrolling though media feeds, but to some scrolling through the world inside of you too. The inner "feed" is pretty awesome!

  • Instead of searching for the magic thing that will make life smooth, you think it is a better investment of your time to discover what you already know, (but might not know you know) because deep down you know that all the answers are actually within you.

  • You live life on your own terms, write your own story

  • Anything we have been saying sounds really good, even if you aren't all the way there yet.

You get....

  • Embodiment that goes way beyond the fluff pop psychology definition because you are trying playful experiments while reflecting on deeper questions and bringing it all together

  • A way to build community with like-minded question-askers who insist on authenticity

  • Games, Laughter and Interesting discussion topics each week! (see How it Works below)

  • SUBSTANCE and a chance to inquire deeply about life instead of the tired old image-based, mindless social-media stuff.

  • A chance to find out just how many answers are already within YOU...through play

Here's How it all Works:  

We have created a private online community for thoughtful folks to playfully go deeper in life together.  We post and share, we have events, do themed talks,  playful games, and just generally make sure we are connecting in a real way.

Playful Experiments: 

Each week we will send out a Playful Experiment for you to do.  You can do this experiment with a partner (from the group or not) or on your own.  This gives us an extra excuse to reach out and get to know each other.  Partners are not assigned, so it is up to you to reach out and make sure  you guys get connected and do your Playful Experiment.   

Talk Topics

We have live video Talks each week through Crowdcast (which means the person giving the talk is on video, but you don't have to get to live chat and interact though).  We have four different Talk Topic themes that we rotate between each week:  Destroying Opposites, Connecting the Heart and Mind, Things that Touch the Soul, and Awesome Guest Speakers.  

We might use music lyrics to talk about Destroying Opposites, a Netflix show to talk about Things that Touch our Souls,  a science study or politics to talk about Connecting the Heart and Mind, but there will always be something interesting and relevant.  Plus, our Awesome Guest Speaker could talk on the archetypes in astrology,  handling your personal finances in a way that reflects you, or any of  the things that you have always been curious about but need an expert to give you the quick run down on.

Gift circles

Each month you are invited to sign up for one Gift Circle.  Gift circles are Zoom meetings (so you get to see each other and interact) with 6 people from the community where you ask for things you want and give things to others.  You might offer to gift a used book you are done with or ask for someone to proofread something for you.  You may set up a talk time with someone for 30 minutes to vent, send someone art you made, or direct message them something funny or inspirational for a week.  There are all kinds of ways to give and receive and it is a great way to feel the joy of service and connected to the others in our group.