Feel playful, whole hearted and alive!
Let’s Bring that Connection Back
Bring Connection Back is a place to fuel the deepening of your connection to life itself….playfully and simply. We offer community. We offer free games. We offer podcasts. We offer one-on-one sessions. We are always adding more!
It all started with Our Games…
Simple games to add more depth and connection to your life, because those settle in better than a bunch of talk. Lately, all the research has been converging on how beneficial it is to simply be in your body and play. It heals trauma. It solidifies real change. It integrates and digests all that we go through as humans so that we feel more alive and less scattered. BCB games take us out of just thinking about things and into really embodying a more connected version of ourselves…through fun experiments to try, coupled with questions to ask.
Hi, I’m Amy.
I want us all back to a place of connection…a place we may not even remember, but it is IN US ALL and always has been.
Connection with knowing. Connection with really being honest. Connection with timelessness. Connection with saying it like it really is, so human intimacy can truly happen. Connection with experiencing life no matter what it brings because you are alive in it all!
Let’s drop ideas of right and wrong because those just send us all on a self righteous wild goose chase. And being on that wild goose chase keeps us from allowing the fullness in life that is possible. And that sucks.
The most valuable thing we offer is Our Community:
Bring Connection Back has a FREE community. We play games, we have weekly live talks, and do many other spontaneous and planned things to keep our hearts and minds wild, open and connected.
Wouldn’t it be great to know more people who have depth and substance? People who are actually embodying and actively experimenting with the layers and under-layers of their lives. Plus, they are open hearted enough to be playful about getting to know more of themselves.
Get to know us through our Podcasts!
Podcasts: You can get to know us and get a playful dose of connection through our podcasts. Life is a Metaphor podcast is all about taking everyday life and seeing the metaphors within. Rent a Mom Podcast is an unfiltered way to share how I bare my soul with my children and view that as my main job as a mother. Stupid About Children podcast is about looking at what we do with our kids differently than what society tells us. The Biting Side podcast is the impactful, raw, personal stuff that comes up in Amy’s world.
Take our FREE quiz to find out which area in your life needs the most Connection, and which of our games is going to be most fun and impactful for you!
Our Games:
Let’s play simple games together because those settle in better than a bunch of talk. We offer FREE light-hearted Truth-or-Dare style games that bring real depth and connection into your life. Through fun experiments to try, coupled with questions to ask, you will feel the warm hum of your soul muscles bringing you alive. We give you fun, quick, easy ways to stretch and strengthen your inner self so you can function better everywhere! So you can experience the full range of motion of your soul muscles…the full range of living! !
One-on-One Sessions:
We offer unique One-on-One sessions that support and personalize the how you use our games to reflect what you need and will enjoy most. Find the energy and aliveness of play and get more awareness and meaning as a bonus
In our One-On-One sessions, you get a specially curated list of games to try that will be the most enjoyable and rewarding for you! FREE first session.